Anonymous donation to fund third study into premature awakening from hibernation

The President and Governors of the University of West Terrier are pleased to announce that a third study into the causes of premature awakening from hibernation has been made possible through a donation made anonymously to the University through the Foundation for the Study of Premature Awakening

This deadly affliction continues to grow in incidence, devastating families in The Park’s hibernating communities. Through outreach programmes via the Foundation, Park Animals have received support and financial assistance. The reasons for this scourge require much further study, however, if we are to prevent further devastation of our hibernating communities.

This new, thirty-six-month project will begin in May 2016. Further announcements will be made regarding the project’s leaders and venues.

The University is deeply grateful for the funding and wishes to thank the anonymous donor whose generosity and empathy knows no bounds. We are confident that your generous donation will save countless lives and your effort on behalf of hibernators will become a shining example of the power of interspecial caring.