School of Architecture


School of Medicine


School of Dentistry


Cuthbert School of Journalism


Chittenden School of Law

Department of Extra-Hortulanial Law


Barnaby School of Government


Winston School of Business


Livingstone School of Economics and Social Science

Department of History

Department of Human Studies

Department of Interspecial Studies

Department of Psychology

Department of Political Science

Department of Philosophy


F. Varrah Flanagan School of Education


Zedrich School of Music


Sundance School of Extra-Hortulanial Studies


Torgeir School of Information Technology


Faculty of Communications

Department of Mammalian Languages

Department of Reptilian Languages

Department of Avian Languages

Department of Ichthyic Languages

Department of Monophyletic Languages

Department of Paraphyletic Languages

Department of Polyphyletic Languages


Faculty of Life Science

Department of Zoology


Faculty of Arts and Culture 


Millicent Hayberry Centre for the Study of Drama and Performance