Archives for January 2018

Comedian and author Woodruff Dalmatio to speak at UWT Open House


The President and Governors of the University of West Terrier are pleased to announce that Woodruff Dalmatio will speak at the University’s annual Open House on January 29, 2018.

Dalmatio, one of The Park’s first standup comedians, is the author of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Standing up for Comedy in the Modern Park. The book, which won the 2015 Chitter Radio Literary Award in the humour category, also became a film. Directed by Ludmilla Ptak and starring Dalmatio, the film won rave reviews after it premièred at the 2015 Park Interspecial Film Festival (PIFF).

Dalmatio’s theme will be “The Symbiotic Relationship Between Comedy and Higher Education.” He is expected, as well, to speak about the rôle and value of higher education in the entertainment business as a whole.

Annual Open House • 29 January 2018

Snacks, beverages, and brochures will be available from 12:00 until 20:30